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Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Integrating objects in artwork

Found objects are sometimes the most interesting thing to do a painting around. I like to do Abstracts in between realism and impressionism. Ithink it keeps you fresh as an artist. I espescially like metal and ronnd items. This gives a focus for a painting. Here is an abstract I did with that type of theme.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Stepping into the world with a purpose

For many years I have been painting all types of content, using all kinds of paint, objects, and materials. At 45, I have never really had come to a point where I knew what my message was in my art. I recently completed a seminar from Landmark education program, called living passionately. The purpose of the seminar was to live with purpose, grace, and ease. In the semianr, I came to the purpose of my life. To paint inspiring messages of hope about diversity. I am caucasion, my husband is african american. My children who are 14 and 12 are beautiful combinations of the best of both of our worlds. I believe that this is what being a human being is all about. Combining the best of each generation to create an even better generation. I will be doing a series of paitings that reflect this commitment. I also hope to become involved in many more charities and world missions that forward this stand.